Microgreen Grants
Early Opportunities Microgreen Grants support advocacy efforts focused on climate and environmental justice and seed small-scale research on climate issues facing young children and families.
Climate & Environmental Justice
Early Opportunities provided support to the following important groups working on climate, environment, children and youth.
The Climate Initiative
With a mission to "empower youth voices for climate action,” The Climate Initiative has much to be proud of in their work supporting future climate leaders. You can read more in their 2021 Annual Report. This micro grant will fund programs for local climate youth action.
The Global Fund for Children (GFC) Spark Fund
The mission of the Global Fund for Children’s Spark Fund is “designed and decided by young people representing their communities.” The micro grant will support the continued expansion of this youth-led Fund as they work to promote youth action on climate issues around the world.
The Children’s Environmental Health Network
The Children’s Environmental Health Network is a national multi-disciplinary organization whose mission is to protect the developing child from environmental health hazards and promote a healthier environment.
Care About Climate
The mission of Care About Climate is simple: “Organize a youth network of climate activists empowered to equitably address the climate crisis by bridging knowledge with action and sharing their climate solutions on the international stage.” Read more about their impact here.
Natural Start Alliance
Natural Start is a project of the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), which serves as the professional backbone and champion for the field of environmental education. Natural Start’s role within NAAEE is to promote and support environmental education for young children. Visit here for more information.
Child Arise
The work of Child Arise aims to advise, amplify, and advocate. One of their recent projects is “If I Could Tell the World: Voices of Displaced Children,” which uses short films and photographs to tells stores of young children and their families in crisis.
Research on Climate
From 2022 - 2023, Early Opportunities partnered with the Asia Pacific Regional Network on Early Childhood and the Africa Early Childhood Network to launch micro research grants to document issues related to young children, families, climate, and the environment. Below are the results of that work.
A Study of Experiences, Attitudes, Preparedness with Climate Change and Environmental Degradation
The Philippines
Maria Rita Lucas
Professor, Centro Escolar University
This study focused on two areas, Arteche in Eastern Samar, and Nabunturan in Davao del Sur which revealed general awareness of climate change among local leaders, parents, teachers. Respondents expressed concerns about climate effects on their communities in adequately preparing and responding to such crisis in the future. The findings focused on the delivery implications of ECCD services, particularly children’s development and learning given the climate emergency. A key emphasis is on the need for targeted interventions through promotion of credible and accessible communication channels to improve understanding of climate change to encourage adaptive and mitigative actions at the community level.
Cleaner Cooking Fuels for Migrant Families to Counter Indoor Air Pollution
Bhavreen Kandhari
Co-Founder, Warrior Moms for Clean Air
Air pollution in India is a serious issue. Recent studies have found that up to 50% of the pollutants in ambient (outdoor) air originate from household use of solid fuels. Women and children from most rural households in India are disproportionately affected. Assessing the needs of the community and their acceptance of cleaner fuels and technologies is as important as the need to expand its use. Focus Group Discussions was carried out to connect with the community and understand their needs as well as their understanding of air pollution issue. A survey was conducted to help assess their understanding of the air pollution issue as well as their willingness to accept cleaner fuels and technologies. The findings emphasized the urgent need to promote widespread adoption of clean cooking fuels by improving its accessibility and affordability. It also highlighted the importance of continued awareness raising among community members on the health risks of indoor air pollution.
A Perception Survey on Climate Change Impacts on Young Children
Karma Gayleg
Ministry of Education
Climate change is affecting human wellbeing and health, where children are particularly vulnerable. Climate change affects children’s health through increased air pollution, weather-related disasters, intense heat waves, decreased water quality and quantity, food shortage, as a result of which, children experience greater risk of developmental disorders, malnutrition and diseases. In the face of such challenges, awareness on the prevalence and impact of the phenomena of climate change is critical. The perception survey on climate change and its impact on young children was carried out to gauge the awareness level of children and their caregivers including parents and educators. It revealed limited overall awareness of climate change among adults, parents, and children. However, there was a shared desire for a clean and healthy environment through willingness to contribute individually and as a community to act against climate change. The study revealed opportunities to establish climate action groups within the communities for upstream advocacy efforts to protect children’s interests during the climate crisis.
The Impact of Recent Flooding Crisis on Young Children, Caregivers, Communities
Mariam Shah
Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA)
In Pakistan, climate change has a significant devastating impact on the country and its people. Sindh is one of the provinces in Pakistan that has been most affected by the flooding episodes particularly during the 2022 torrential rain and flash flooding. Out of the 35 districts in the country that were impacted by the devastating floods, 14 of them were located in Sindh, making the province particularly vulnerable to calamities (UNOCHA). The study investigated how climate change and environmental degradation-related factors, such as extreme weather events and living in vulnerable situations are affecting young children. It revealed that young children and mothers in the communities face heightened vulnerability, including poor health and nutrition, exposure to infectious diseases, and limited access to essential services. The study revealed the need to ensure that essential social services (health, nutrition included) young children need are resilient to climate and environmental shocks, as well as the importance of providing caregiver support during climate emergencies and disasters.
Additional Resources
For more information on each of the ARNEC research projects
For more Information on ARNEC efforts to address climate change and environmental issues
Additional Resources