Current International Initiatives

Young Children and Emergencies

Child Care and Early Education

Climate, Environment and Young Children

  • Advisor, Too Small to Fail— Climate and Young Children, Clinton Global Initiative

Climate Action Micro Grants

Small steps for big change. The Early Opportunities Fund provides micro grants to projects focused on young children and families, particularly those affected by climate change, environmental issues, conflict, and displacement.

The Climate Initative

With a mission to "empower youth voices for climate action,” The Climate Initiative has much to be proud of in their work supporting future climate leaders. You can read more in their 2021 Annual Report. This micro grant will fund programs for local climate youth action.

The Global Fund for Children (GFC) Spark Fund

The mission of the Global Fund for Children’s Spark Fund is “designed and decided by young people representing their communities.” The micro grant will support the continued expansion of this youth-led Fund as they work to promote youth action on climate issues around the world.

Climate Action for Young Children

In 2022, the Early Opportunities Fund also supported micro research grants in the Asia and Africa regions to raise awareness of the impact of the climate crises and environmental degradation on young children and families, through the Africa Early Childhood Network and the Asia Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood.